CMPM35 Projects

All my projects and assignments for UCSC’s CMPM35 in one lil repo for you!

💪 Projects


Made in collaboration with my friend, Nishant Suria, FloomieTap is a soundboard inspired by and made using the P5.js library. It uses samples from various youtube videos we like, accompanied with a looping soundtrack made in Logic Pro.


Typically, mood tracking apps use traditional charts (ie. bar graphs, line graphs) to visualize how one's mood might fluctuate over time. Unfortunately, the use of number-oriented graphs inherently imply a new high or low score to be reached with one's mood. Made in collaboration with Nishant Suria, FloomieBloomie provides a unique visualization of your day using D3.js.


A small platformer made using Three.js in collaboration with Nishant Suria. You can wall climb! (Which was originally a bug but we turned it into a feature...) It was designed to be a new installment in the This Game is Not series.

🍎 Assignments

(11/10/2020): D3.js + SVG

Use D3.js to make a picture using basic SVG commands. (Include a bitmap image of the SVG output.) Then, modify the code in a provided example to display your own dataset.

(12/1/2020): Three.js Introduction

Turn in a link to a GitHub repo that modifies either the "shapes" or "lights" example from class, and include a screenshot of your project in the README for the repo.